Niko Caignie

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I don’t know PJ. that long and I haven’t seen him that much either. Our paths cross every once in a while on the job, we chatted, laughed and had some serious talks on those short moments. He’s a hard worker, focussed, says what needs to be said and always adds a touch of humour to the moment. A combination that is completely in line with my own work ethics. And that is the thing that triggered me:
it took me almost 40 years to grow up, mature, to find and become who I am. When I meet people who are closer to themselves at an earlier stage in their life, I’m intrigued and happy for them, maybe a little jealous too. Because sometimes life kicks you in the face, twice! Knowing who you are and what you stand for makes bouncing back on your feet far more easy.

We spent a morning and a fair share of the afternoon in a windy and drizzle covered Antwerp North. Switching between talks, coffees, portraits and some food.

Nice to meet you PJ!

(All shot with Hasselblad 501 CM & Konica Hexar RF on Ilford 3200.)